Pochayiv Holy Assumption Lavra
Year: 2010
Categories: Sacral
Location: Lviv, Ukraine Lincolna Street

In research of the equilibrium in the difficult town-planning situation, the new forms are born, deriving from the strict relations to the place and the program. The building of the temple is projected with the precise canonic orientation of the longitudinal axis on `east – west` with the apse on east. The plan configuration and the vertical organization of the space provide free access to the temple and communication with the existing buildings. The church at the edge of the hill becomes a part of the natural environment and does not resist to him. The expressive silhouette of the dome composite unites the existing differnt styles tops of the Lavra buildings.

The temple is designed in the monumental volumes for the creation of the expressive emotional accent near to the scale buildings of the hotels. The vertical organization of the designed temple continues the tradition of the construction on the difficult relief of the Lavra ensemble. The choruses are arranged around of the internal space of the church. The refectory is projected at the bottom level, which incorporates to the church and the choruses by the internal communications – the spiral ramp. For dispersal of huge amount of the piligrims and for unloading of the pedestrian flows, the ramp is projected from the existing square on the southern side to the choruses level. From the choruses it is possible will be lowered to the nave and to the refectory by the spiral ramp. Thus basic space of the church with the measured and quiet rhythm is separated from the circulating flows with the dynamical rhythm.