School of Arts
with a Concert Hall
Year: 2020
Categories: Culture
Location: Lviv, Ukraine

The architectural volume is partially submerged in the ground to create a building in
communication with the natural landscape. On the ridge of a green lawn
is the main entrance to the building, from which the trail walks to
the northern part of the site. The nature of the surrounding historic buildings,
the natural environment and the terrain called for the design of the school building
in the style of a modernist villa with a flow of exterior and
interior spaces and the composition of horizontal volumes.
A podium and an amphitheater for street performances are designed on the territory
with the involvement of students of the school of arts and residents of nearby houses. Green
lawn - a garden of sculptures - in front of the main building is provided for
recreation of city residents.
The historic building №103 on the Lychakivska Street adapts for the needs of the art club - public
multifunctional space with a cafe, exhibition hall, shop.

Volume of the concert hall occupies a central position in the composition of the building. Thanks to
sliding systems of the outer wall of the hall, adjacent to the courtyard,
the space of the hall can be extended, which allows to hold events, involving
to the hall such common areas as the lobby, cafe, courtyard, small hall,
The lobby is united with a courtyard with
a glass curtain wall. The courtyard is paved with large
scale pavement, planted with trunk trees in tubs that can be moved to
depending on the scenario of the event. Rooms for individual lessons
are located in the western three-storey block with
eastern and western orientation for insolation. The premises with large musical instruments are arranged on the ground floor that can be moved through
courtyard and west terrace.